Your online contribution is greatly appreciated.

US $ Donations
Our denomination, the EPC, has graciously made provision to receive USD donations on our behalf. Our US supporters, who donate through this channel, will receive a year-end receipt.

Donations via Credit Card (Visa / Mastercard)
Secure donations by Credit Card (via Fygaro platform) can be made here

Bahamian $ Donations
To make an electronic direct transfer to St. Andrew's Presbyterian Kirk through your bank's online banking platform simply follow your bank's steps/prompts. Our bank information has been provided below. If you have any questions, or just want to alert our treasurer of a transfer, please email Mr. Lindsey Cancino.

Account Name:

Royal Bank Bahamas

Account Number:

Account Type:

Main Branch, Bay St.

2025 Pledge to St. Andrew's Kirk
Pledges made prior to the Annual General Meeting in late February help us to frame a more realistic budget. Your pledge is by no means binding--it is your best estimate for giving, which assists our financial planning. Please complete this secure form below to submit your 2025 pledge.