• “Kirk” is a Scots word that means church.

  • We are Presbyterian, which means that we are a church that is governed by elders. In every local congregation, we have elders who are appointed to rule the church. When they meet, it is called a “Kirk Session,” which is an official and private court of the church. The minister of a congregation is known as the “Teaching Elder”. In the Presbyterian Church we are linked with other congregations through the formation of the Presbytery, which is a higher and public court of the church.

  • We are Reformed which means that we stand in the tradition of the Reformation that swept Western Europe in the 16th Century.

  • After 200 years of being affiliated with the Church of Scotland, the Kirk is now a congregation within the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

  • Our long range plan is to form a Bahamian Presbytery within the EPC.

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  • We believe the 66 books of the Bible are the Word of God.

  • We believe in one Sovereign God who created and who redeems, and who has eternally existed as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  • We believe that God reigns in all the events of this world and is working all things toward the consummation of his Kingdom.

  • We believe that humanity through sin is estranged from natural relationship with God.

  • We believe in the reality of the virgin birth, sinless life, obedient death and victorious resurrection of Jesus Christ.

  • We believe that the life, death and resurrection of Jesus were essential for the salvation of human souls.

  • We believe that people are brought to faith by the power of the Holy Spirit working in their lives.

  • We believe that those who profess faith in Christ must be faithful to His commands.

  • We believe that Jesus will return to the earth in a visible and unmistakable way to fulfill His glorious and eternal purposes.

© St. Andrew's Presbyterian Kirk | Nassau, The Bahamas | 242.322.5475 | info@standrewskirk.com