More than a decade ago, funds were donated to St. Andrew's Kirk with a view to the Kirk building a columbarium. For a variety of reasons the project never gained sufficient traction to move forward. The leadership of the Kirk is revisiting this project and has recalibrated the proposal. The amended proposal was presented at a congregational meeting held on June 17, 2012. At this meeting, Tim Bethel, a professional design landscaper, presented drawings for a memorial garden, which would include a columbarium. Samples of these *drawings can be viewed here.

The vision behind the drawings expands upon the initial vision to simply have a columbarium. The new vision is to transform the space between the Kirk Sanctuary and the Kirk Hall, creating an outdoor Sanctuary suitable for public worship, private reflection, and congregational fellowship. The new proposal also includes plans to make entry into the memorial garden and Kirk sanctuary wheelchair accessible.

The "memorial" aspect of the project aims to display names of individuals and families connected to the Kirk by way of **engraved brick pavers and **engraved stone benches. This would create a kind of outdoor history book of the Kirk's past and present members and adherents.

This ambitious project will only move forward with the support of those who frequent the Kirk. We estimate that the funds already in hand represent one fifth of the total project cost. The remaining cost would be offset by the purchase of engraved bricks, engraved benches, columbarium vaults, and additional donations. We encourage friends of the Kirk to download, print, and return this interest sheet as soon as possible. Interest sheets may be submitted to Peter Bates (Property Committee Member), Robin Brownrigg (Property Committee Chair), or Earla Bethel (Clerk of Session). After you have reviewed the proposal online, feel free to email us with any questions you might have. Thanks in advance for your consideration!

* - The water feature (fountain) is an optional component of the garden and its inclusion will depend upon the level of donations
** - The images of brick pavers, benches, and water features in the online PDF are only samples.

Current View of the Kirk Courtyard


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